Stand Up for Sustainable Solar Siting

Growing Solar - Protecting Nature in front of perched falcon


Massachusetts needs more solar energy. But too much of the solar energy developed in Massachusetts so far has been built at the expense of forests and farmlands.

To learn how we can build the solar we need while protecting the nature we have, Mass Audubon teamed up with Harvard Forest to study our options for statewide solar development. This report, Growing Solar, Protecting Nature, is a comprehensive economic and geospatial analysis of whether Massachusetts can meet its solar goals while protecting its most valuable natural and working lands.

It's important that our policy makers see this report, so they understand that we don't need to sacrifice our forests and farmlands to build the clean energy we need. Send the report to your legislators using the form below.


  • Your State Senator or Senators
  • Your State Representative or Representatives


*Required fields


Dear [Decision Maker],

I would like to share a critical report recently released by Mass Audubon and Harvard Forest which shows that we can build the solar we need to meet our clean energy goals while protecting our natural and working lands. You can read this report, "Growing Solar, Protection Nature", at

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