Ask your legislator to support restrictions on rat poisons

barred owl

Raptors, foxes, coyotes, and other predators keep Massachusetts’ ecosystems in balance. But in recent years, shocking numbers of these iconic creatures have been sickened or killed after preying on rodents poisoned with second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs), or rat poison.

HD1721 and SD1447, filed by Rep. Hawkins and Sen. Moore would phase out the use of SGARs in Massachusetts, and needs support from as many legislators as possible to gain some momentum. Ask your legislator to cosponsor the bills.

Personal messages and stories are most effective in speaking with decision-makers. Try to personalize your message as much as possible by describing an encounter you’ve had with a bird of prey, an experience with poison-free alternatives, or by just simply sharing why protecting wildlife matters to you.

Please note: This form only accepts responses from Massachusetts residents. 


  • Your State Senator or Senators
  • Your State Representative or Representatives


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Dear [Decision Maker],

I am writing to respectfully request that you cosponsor HD1721 and SD1447, filed by Rep. Hawkins and Sen. Mike Moore. They would phase out the use of commercial-grade rat poisons in Massachusetts. Overuse of these dangerous chemicals threatens our wildlife and pets, and they are less effective than other methods of controlling rodents.

The federal government banned the retail sale of rat poisons (commonly referred to as SGARs) in 2015 due to the risks they pose to children and pets, but they remain in wide use by licensed pest control professionals. Unfortunately, the poisons move through the food chain, systematically harming and killing rodents' natural predators. A recent study found that 100% of Red-tailed Hawks tested at a wildlife clinic in Massachusetts had SGARs in their organs.

Thank you for your support.

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