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The Meadowlark: News from Mass audubon's Broad Meadow Brook and Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuaries   |   Tell A Friend   |   Become a Member   |   Donate
In This Issue

*Wachusett Meadow Day Camp
*School's Out! What Now? Top Activities for Summer
*Call for High School Age Artists

Browse our Program Catalogs:
Broad Meadow Brook

Wachusett Meadow
Spring Appeal 2012 - Support Your Local Wildlife Sanctuary
Spring Appeal 2012
There is still time to contribute to our 2012 Spring Appeal.

All donations support sanctuary education and conservation programs.

Donate to Broad Meadow Brook

Donate to Wachusett Meadow

Thank you!

Bird-a-thon 2012
Let's Hear It for the Birds!
24 Hour Birding Adventure and Fundraiser
Donations are still welcome!
BAT Logo
Many thanks to the birders, donors, and supporters who participated in Bird-a-thon on May 11th and 12th.

This 24-hour birding event and fundraiser turned up some interesting finds this year!

At Broad Meadow Brook, birders found a bird species of special concern. Visit our website to read more and make a donation.

Wachusett Meadow birders reported the return of a bird that had long been absent from the sanctuary. Visit our website to read more and make a donation.

Check out the exciting first-hand account of a birding team that attempted to find 100 species this year. Did they succeed? Find out

Donations are appreciated and support our education and conservation work. Thank you!

Mass Walking Tour
Friday, June 22
at Broad Meadow Brook

Mark Mandeville, Raianne Richards, and Dan Blakeslee bring live music and support for the arts to central Massachusetts in this year's 3rd Annual Mass Walking Tour!
Mass Walking Tour Musicians Playing in Town Common

Support the arts and enjoy live music on the deck at Broad Meadow Brook, June 22, 7pm.

Worcester artists, Bob Jordan and Matt Fox, will also be performing.

More information about Mass Walking Tour and 2012 performances

Join the Flock for Half Price Through June 30
Young Screech Owls
Help protect the nature of Massachusetts by becoming a Mass Audubon member. From now through June 30, NEW family memberships are only $32 (half the regular rate). If you join through your local sanctuary, a large portion of your dues stays right here to support the sanctuary. For information on membership, call or visit Broad Meadow Brook or Wachusett Meadow.

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WOO at Broad Meadow Brook

WOO at Wachusett Meadow

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June 2012
Spotlight: Wachusett Meadow Day Camp
"My child loved learning about nature and animals, going to the pond, playing in forts . . . "
Counselors and campers examining nature object
Chris Eaton, Wachusett Meadow Camp Director for 17 years, delights in helping children discover nature.

What makes Wachusett Meadow Day Camp special? Listen to what our camp families are saying:

Seasoned Staff
"We always like the experienced, seasoned adults at Wachusett Meadow."
"Counselors are awesome. I love them."

Kids Love Coming to Camp
"She couldn't wait until the next day."
"He liked everything!"

WM children enjoying climbing in nature play areaEducational and Fun
"This is a great program. Very educational, but at the same time fun."

What else are families saying about Wachusett Meadow Day Camp? Read more here

Register your child for this exceptional summer experience.

Spaces are still available for ages 3.5-17. Nature discovery and specialty sessions - woodworking, photography, nature art, and more. Financial aid is available.

Visit our camp page or download a camp brochure.

Smiling Campers
Broad Meadow Brook Day Camp
in Worcester also offers an exceptional program for kids who love to be active in the outdoors. Some spaces are still available. Register soon or visit our camp page and download a brochure.

 School's Out - Here's What You Can Do!
Family Nature Walk
Enjoy the great outdoors this summer at Broad Meadow Brook and Wachusett Meadow  (Photo courtesy of Kristin Higgins)

School's out! What now? Here are some top ways to stay busy and have fun together this summer:

Take a hike on Broad Meadow Brook's 5+ miles of trails and Wachusett Meadow's 12+ miles of trails. Trails open every day, dawn to dusk.

Take a nature program. Get acquainted with moths at Broad Meadow Brook or search for lost ladybugs at Wachusett Meadow. For a full listing of summer programs, check out our online program catalogs for Broad Meadow Brook and Wachusett Meadow.
Canoe Rides at Hey Day
Canoe on Wachusett Meadow's Wildlife Pond or participate in a canoeing program with Broad Meadow Brook.

Play in nature! Bring the children to a nature play area, filled with unique nature objects designed for outside, creative play. Read more about nature play areas.

Wachusett Meadow Nature Play Area Tepee-like structures
♦Join Broad Meadow Brook for free drop-in nature actvities during Neighborhood Nature at Elm Park and On the Water at Green Hill Park.

Adults, get artsy! Take time to refresh yourself with a writing course at Broad Meadow Brook or botanical illustration at Wachusett Meadow.

Traveling in Massachusetts this summer? Check out Mass Audubon's online vacation guide for fun things to do throughout the state.

 Call for High School Age Artists

Young People Painting Outside
Young people, ages 14-19, are invited to visit any Mass Audubon sanctuary in central Massachusetts this summer and create a two-dimensional work of art.

All entered work will be exhibited at Wachusett Meadow's Hey Day October 6, 2012. (Rain date October 7.)

This is a great opportunity for young people to experience the natural beauty of central Massachusetts and to display their art!

Download a brochure for more information and contest rules.

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Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary
414 Massasoit Road
Worcester, MA 01604

Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary
113 Goodnow Road
Princeton, MA 01541

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